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Building the Ultimate Event Data Dashboard


Modern marketing relies heavily on data to create, run, and analyze successful campaigns and drive conversions. With so much data coming from so many sources, it can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Rockhouse Partners, our in-house digital marketing agency, has helped their marketing clients close the gaps and connect the dots between data by creating custom reporting dashboards.


How does it work?

Rockhouse leverages Google Data Studio by aggregating data from Etix, MailChimp, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and AdRoll. By bringing together metrics from these separate marketing platforms into one place, users can see how all of these programs work together to drive conversions. The data is refreshed every morning so your information is up-to-date.

What dashboards do clients use most often?

Facebook Ads Metrics

Comparison between Facebook Ad campaigns, including conversion revenue and return on ad spend.

Audience Insights

Customer snapshots including demographics, geographic location, and dollar spend. 

Campaign Performance Metrics

Effectiveness of campaigns, including Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and MailChimp email campaigns.

Conversion Data

Conversion insights including day and time, geographic location, and more (using cross-domain tracking).

Website Performance

Website traffic by sessions and revenue.

While this data is available on the individual platforms you’re using, utilizing a Rockhouse Partners dashboard makes it much easier to recognize patterns across multiple platforms that you might not have noticed. This method of marketing strategy analysis can help you fine-tune existing ad campaigns or help you determine the best methods and platforms for your marketing dollars. Looking at this information in an aggregated form can also help you evaluate budgets for future programming and ensures you’re reaching the optimal audiences for your events. Best of all, dashboards can be shared as needed with external partners such as sponsors, promoters, or artist managers—without giving access to your individual platforms.

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