Looking to buy tickets for events?

Three Tips to Customize Micro-Moments with your Event Attendees

It’s no surprise that the buying and browsing behavior of consumers daily has tremendously shifted towards mobile. A study conducted by Google found that 82% of smartphone users are influenced by their mobile device during the purchase process while shopping.


Read on to learn three great tips to help customize your customer’s journey in this fast-paced, spur-of-the-moment society by customizing micro-moments.

Put Yourself in your Customer’s Shoes

It is always important to keep your event goers in mind when marketing your events. Ask yourself:

  • What makes any given moment valuable?
  • Why would anyone want or need to search for your venue?
  • When would people search for your website or social media pages?

Once you find the answers to these questions, it will be easier to figure out what your venue brings to event goers and why it matters to your customers. 

Deliver the right customer experience

Make a moments map that flows with your brand. This helps create marketing opportunities throughout the customer’s research and purchase process. Figure out the steps leading up to why your customer would search for your event or venue, all the way through checkout. In this digital age, people want information quickly. It is your job to do the hard work beforehand to ensure your customer’s journey is a quick and reliable process that meets their needs immediately. 

Optimize Everything

It is best practice to optimize as much of the mobile experience as possible for your customers. This consists of everything from load time of your website to user experience. Make your mobile site user-friendly, easy to understand, and relevant. Micro-moments are driven by a specific focus, so do your best to not stray away from what your consumers want in that moment. Optimization allows you to deliver the right customer experience. If you make it a seamless process for your customer, this will drive a quick purchase response for you. 

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